336 research outputs found


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    The competitiveness of organizations depends, among other things, of their performance levels. For such, it is vitally important that they have a measurement and evaluation system that, from a set of indicators, provides them reliable information to reflect their goals and evaluate their performances. The aims of this study are: (i) to identify the most discussed approaches in the literature to evaluate the organizational performance, and (ii) to carry out a diagnosis of how small and medium enterprises with economic activity in Portugal measure and operationalize the evaluation of their performance. To meet the objectives of the study, we proceeded to the analysis of published studies in scientific journals and conducted twelve interviews in SMEs. The results indicate that, in addition to the majority of the studied organizations not having a formal process of their strategy, they also do not measure their results in an integrated system that would allow them to make an evaluation according to their strategic goals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Risk assessment: Information for qualitative estimation of probability and severity in high risk work context

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    The dynamics of the employee branding effect: The valuation of interpersonal relationships in organizational results

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    Focusing on competency management, the Employee Branding Effect process results from the increase of catalytic actions of the interpersonal relations domain, which stem from the informality created in social exchanges both inside and outside organizations, namely by the introduction of mentoring and helping relations between chiefs and headed. The Employee Branding Effect contributes to a real and concrete diagnosis of the organizational and relational environment of the organizations, by promoting and reinforcing the psychological contract between employees and the organization. The present study covered 30 organizations in the central zone of Portugal that responded to a questionnaire survey for Employee Branding Effect measurement. The results statistically show that the moderating effect of mentoring and helping relationships actions, from the informal domain over the formal domain of the organizations, confirm a positive increase of the employee branding process results when promoted by actions within the scope of the interpersonal relations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O Terceiro Setor ocupa um lugar central na governação, na generalidade das sociedades contemporâneas. As novas exigências de competitividade impõem também às Misericórdias, uma reestruturação dos processos de gestão, de forma a ser possível alinhar a missão institucional com o nível de desempenho esperado. Pretende-se criar um modelo de avaliação do desempenho dos colaboradores da Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Marinha Grande que permita adequar o desempenho individual às exigências funcionais e da Instituição. Foi adotado um procedimento multimetodológico baseado na Metodologia Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão, enriquecida com Conferências de Decisão e Consultoria de Processos de Grupo, com vista a atingir uma maior transparência, clareza e justiça nas avaliações e, ainda, obter dados que permitam uma gestão do desempenho mais eficiente e eficaz. A criação e desenvolvimento do modelo proporcionaram aos participantes uma (inédita) reflexão estratégica acerca da Instituição e da Avaliação do Desempenho, no que se refere à necessidade objetiva de colocar a pessoa certa no lugar certo, de maximizar o seu potencial e de humanizar a Gestão de Pessoas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Many people think that when we want something like a product or a service it comes from a financial point of view, but what really makes businesses sustainable and growth is creativity and innovation. This paper presents a real case study that exemplifies the notion of “idea to product” of an innovative application for the information and propagation of catering, tourism and culture (caviiar.pt). This is an uninterrupted service, which is oriented to give “real time” information about catering services and regional or nearby culture and touristic points of interest. It also allows the promotion of gastronomic or cultural events with information relevant to the idea of the application. This project intends to create a new catering, touristic and cultural notion with a high level of interaction with clients and their necessities or wants, bringing to daylight a new touristic concept: “online assessment tourism”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Knowledge Management on PMO’s Perspective: A Systematic Review

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    Much of the work developed in organizations occurs as projects and this tendency is crescent. The Project Management Office(PMO) is an organizational entity with responsibilities related to the centralization and coordination of projects under its domain. In fact, PMOs can fill many different roles or functions in different organizations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este estudo procura pesquisar possíveis associações entre as experiências de flow e os fenômenos de mentoria e liderança. Procura-se identificar as características e benefícios de experiências de flow e de relações de mentoria e liderança, percebidos pelos colaboradores de quatro empresas de Injeção de Plásticos da Marinha Grande. Identificam-se as funções de mentoria, os estilos de liderança transacional, transformacional e servidora e os componentes de flow entre estes colaboradores. Para a medição dos estilos de liderança foram utilizados os instrumentos desenvolvidos por Avolio e Bass (2004) e Dennis (2004). Para as funções das relações de mentoria, definidas por Ragins e Kram (2007), o instrumento desenvolvido por Noe (1988). Para os componentes observados em experiências de flow, o instrumento desenvolvido por Jackson e Ecklund (2002). Apoiado nos instrumentos referidos foi aplicado um questionário na recolha dos dados para este estudo. Foram encontradas influências moderadas e fortes entre os estilos de liderança, as funções de mentoria e os componentes de uma experiência de flow.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A aplicação da teoria da perda de uma chance de cura na responsabilização por erro médico à luz da jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro

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    No presente trabalho busca-se analisar a aplicação da teoria da perda de uma chance de cura na responsabilidade civil por erro médico, com ênfase no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro. O método utilizado nessa monografia é o dedutivo. A técnica utilizada é a pesquisa, principalmente a doutrinária e a jurisprudencial. Em um primeiro momento é realizada uma análise sobre o início do desenvolvimento e aplicação da teoria em ordenamentos estrangeiros, e então sua implementação pelo ordenamento pátrio, discorrendo sobre sua natureza jurídica. Posteriormente é abordada a responsabilidade civil dos médicos, sendo necessário esclarecer pontos acerca do conceito de erro médico, deveres desses profissionais e a formação da culpa médica. Também foi fundamental a pesquisa doutrinária e jurisprudencial acerca da aplicação da teoria pelo Tribunal do estado, para enfim analisarmos se essa aplicação vem acontecendo de forma satisfatória nos casos concretos segundo os princípios da teoria

    Project Management in Light of Cognitive Biases: A Public Sector IT Organization Case

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    When making judgments, people rely on heuristics, or general rules of thumb. In other words, they use mental "shortcuts", which may lead to rational solutions and good estimates. In certain situations, however, these simplification techniques can cause inconsistencies and promote cognitive biases. One root cause of almost all project failures is human error or misjudgment. Although the ability to make right decisions is considered a main indicator of project management professionalism, many project managers are unwilling to try to improve the quality of their decisions. Because project managers rarely have enough time and resources to perform a proper analysis, and a decision analysis expert is not always available, there is always the temptation to make intuitive decisions. Even having enough knowledge of a particular area, some natural limitations to thinking mechanisms can lead to potentially harmful choices. Since people tend to rate themselves as above average when asked to characterize their abilities, they tend not to see their own biases. This paper proposes to shed light on the susceptibility of project managers to cognitive biases and how they deal with them, including techniques and tools they use to minimize their negative effects. This study evaluates ten cognitive biases: anchoring bias, exposure effect, pseudocertainty effect, certainty effect, hindsight bias, halo effect, planning fallacy, sunk-cost fallacy, availability-related bias, and Parkinson´s law effect. The qualitative approach was based on semi-structured interviews with seven experienced project managers in a Brazilian large public sector IT organization. Other three project managers participated in the triangulation process in order to validate the concepts map resulted from this process. All project managers recognized susceptibility in eight of ten cognitive biases. Some agile practices such as use of burndown chart for daily monitoring of planned versus accomplished activities and bottom-up planning from short activities were suggested as alternatives to minimize planning fallacy. The last technique was also indicated to minimize Parkinson´s law effects along with daily team meetings. Opinion of others, including experts, was the most mentioned alternative method by project managers, aiming to reduce the negative impact of seven biases. Although its limitations, we believe that this work may help to improve project managers' awareness of cognitive biases and also their susceptibility to these systematic errors, eliciting common tools and techniques used to minimize their negative effects, which can lead to better decisions, and thus, to better project´s outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Information Technology: Findings Based on a Systematic Review

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    The world is experiencing a knowledge-based economy with a revolution in information technology, innovation, and telecommunications. The rise of the "new economy", driven by information and knowledge, has led to an increased interest in intellectual capital theory, which aims to manage intangible assets of organizations. Firms belonging to technology and knowledge-based industries recognize intellectual capital as the key knowledge base that contributes to the creation of a competitive advantage for the firm. This paper aims to answer the question "How are Intellectual Capital (IC) and Information Technology (IT) related?" through a systematic review based on four steps: 1) search conduction; 2) selection of papers based on their titles and abstracts; 3) content analysis of selected papers; 4) evidence mapping and discussions. The analyzed papers were categorized into five themes: "Statistical analysis or case study in IT companies from the Intellectual Capital perspective"; "IT as a tool for Intellectual Capital Management"; "Intellectual Capital or technology knowledge assets influencing innovation and development", "Intellectual Capital assets to evaluate a technology" and "Intellectual Capital theory as a way to understand and share knowledge in IT projects". Our findings evidenced that the Human Capital was the main dimension studied by the authors, followed by Structural Capital and Relational Capital. We believe that this work may help to clarify on Intellectual Capital Management procedures into Information Technology projects, thus opening new topics for future research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio